Strengthen Your Body and Materialize Your Wealth

When I was getting certified as a yoga instructor, I remember starting my weekend course with an intense, two hour session of yoga. I remember being pushed physically, emotionally, and mentally during those sessions. It was an exciting, but a challenging journey. 

Interestingly enough, after successfully completing that course, my business grew to another level of income and achievement. 

Although I love dance, pilates, and yoga – I am not typically a person that will volunteer for a physically demanding activity. Honestly, I love sitting in nice coffee shops, lounging on beaches, and being very comfortable.  Yet, I frequently feel a force guiding me toward physical activity and pushing me to expand my physical capacity.  

Years later, I finally understood why my guides and angels were so insistent on keeping me physically active! 

If you want to expand and grow beyond your perceived limitations, push yourself physically. It was my consistent physical practice that helped me heal and evolve. When the body has a breakthrough, the mind will follow (and your business!)

A coach who I admire really personifies this. This amazing woman consistently struggled with her weight (fluctuating up and down), and with a business that reflected the same frustration and instability. 

What was her turning point?

She decided to dedicate herself to running a marathon, and was very consistent with her daily training. As she pushed through her physical limitations, she was also then able to push through her mental limitation. She then connected the physical breakthrough to the mental/psychological breakthrough and kept using that formula to skyrocket her business.  

I think she is now close to billionaire status.

These days, I do a practice daily. In this practice I include yoga, a prosperity manifestation, and brain boosts (SuperBrain Yoga). It is my ritual and my foundation. I also co-create a personal practice for my clients.

Yes, I am that convinced in the power of working/ manifesting/ winning through the body.