The stars incline, but do not impel

I did a Destiny Card reading for a client this past week, and, being aware of her personal goals, I was relieved when the coming year looked promising for love & romance.
But what would have happened if her coming year was not predisposed toward finding love? Would she have been doomed to continue being single?

What about astrological predictions? There have been several gifted astrologers who have been able to predict the current upheaval our world is currently experiencing. Unfortunately, they are predicting further turbulence in the coming years.
Should we all just start digging our bunkers?

Are we at the mercy of the stars?

I don’t think so.

An astrological chart, a Destiny Card reading, or a Human Design reading is simply a blueprint for your current lifetime. It can be helpful as it gives you clarity about the lessons you have agreed to learn in this incarnation, but it does not guarantee success or failure.

For example, I was born under the sign of Cancer (emotional, can be moody), and my Destiny Card is the Four of Diamonds (hard work ethic, restless, strong values). With this combination, you have a recipe for a person who desperately wants validation and love but struggles with inner restlessness and mood swings.

How to overcome our program and lead the life we want? It is possible.
Can you see that our blueprints were created to challenge us? Why imprint someone with a strong desire for validation and intimacy, but also imbue them with a restless nature and difficulty managing their emotions?
Of course this individual will struggle and suffer. Until they decide to begin their spiritual journey.

If you can develop a spiritual practice (spend time in stillness and self-reflection), be of service to others (to neutralize your negative karma), and seek healing and guidance when you need it – you will transcend your programming.

The same applies to our world, but on a collective level. If we can see through the illusion of duality and separateness, we can shift the future and the coming change will be much more gentle.

If you have ever felt the connection to the other side of the veil, I am sure that you know that they are rooting for us! They want us to overcome the challenges (that we helped create) and win.

The challenges we face are not designed to be easy, and we are supposed to reach out for help and guidance. As a matter of fact, we meet healers and teachers on our path and this is by design. If you are struggling, it is better to reach out for help than to suffer in silence.
If I can be of service, please let me know.