Working with Natasha has been a Game Changer for me. I went from making 40K in 2022 to 150K in 2023!! My performance and confidence has skyrocketed!! Not only did my finances change but so did my personal life. I went from casual dating to a loving committed relationship in 1 year. I have grown so much these past 2 years working with Natasha, she’s naturally motivating & encouraging & right on point yet she tells it like it is which is exactly what I needed. Everyone needs a coach & I highly recommend Natasha!! I will definitely continue working with her to hit my goals for 2024!! Love her!! 

Nicole Stott

  • Since our session I've felt like I'm so aligned that I'm a little light magnet attracting people and opportunities to me. I even got 5 clients in a 24 hour period! Amazing stuff. Wow. Oh, and you had mentioned seeing if my timbre changed vocally- I have never sang so great in front of a production and orchestra before! I felt like my voice was -for the first time ever- totally consistent, vibrant, and full. THANK YOU so much!!!!!! Reflecting on this really makes me realize how much abundance I've experienced in the last few days

    Hunter Rose Opera singer, UNLV
  • The healing was very powerful. My fibroids have reduced in size. My root chakra and particularly the very tip of my tail bone were clearing energy blocks a few times a day for a few days after the healing. I think from the root chakra expansion. Anyway, that was the most powerful healing I’ve ever experienced. Many thanks!

    Ruby Gee Personal Mentor, Build your dreams
  • I have consulted with Natasha regarding my relationship and my business. Most recently, I asked her about my daughter, who had made an offer on a property and was very eager for the sale to close. The owners were asking for a lot of money, much higher than the bank assessment. Natasha told me that the owners had unrealistic expectations and were never going to budge until my daughter walked away from the property. My daughter finally did as Natasha suggested, and voila! The owners immediately came down on the price and my daughter finally acquired her dream house! My daughter was so attached to this home that she would have never let go without getting that extra “insight” from Natasha.

    Christine Beasley CEO of Beasley Investments
  • Natasha has been my intuitive advisor for over five years now. I have consulted with her about work, business and love. She has been very accurate on each occasion and what she sees ends up happening. Natasha has a very unique and fascinating way of interpreting the tarot. She has an innate ability to zone into the root cause of the problem and provide very proactive solutions. Her readings has saved me from making mistakes and the wrong decisions pertaining to financial investments, work and relationships.

    Mila Perkins Filmmaker
  • I want to thank you for tuning into my issues here with my PTSD husband and his negativity. I have an Aloe plant outside. I took 4 snippets off and planted them, in a little container and brought them into the house, nursed them, and they have taken hold. The other day, I gave them some rain water and Natasha! I could 'see' their energy shooting all over the place from off their tiny, I understand what it is capable of doing in the bedroom, as one sleeps. It was you who turned me on to this, and this is my testimonial to you that you can share with others. It works!! Thirdly, I bought several pieces of Tourmeline. I asked my son to be on the lookout for a fist sized piece and he did find a beauty, and sent it to me as a Mother's Day Gift. I had bought 9 smaller pieces that would fit in my hand, and have placed them in key areas inside the house. The negativity has stopped! Mind you I also called in ArchAngel Michael for extra help with a "possible entity attachment," to my husband, and I do feel, it was taken care of. His attitude has changed dramatically and he can honestly laugh again, and is gaining weight. It is all working. I feel it is working because you shared with me what to do about it all. I am grateful and felt you need to know that you have been of great help. This has just meant the world to me. Prior to my talking to you, I had not been able to sleep. I am now sleeping through the night. Even the neighborhood is changing. All of these things were much needed.

    Ruth Ota
  • Natasha, The abcess is shrinking! It's about 1/10th the size it was at the time of the session. Good job. Thank you.

    Beth Arthur
  • If you want to increase your client base I would highly recommend the Prosperous Mystic! Natasha really helped me understand and showed me it just takes consistent effort (not hard work) to succeed with this program. Natasha gently and patiently encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone with more ease. She really shares all her knowledge and skills with you and is devoted to your success! I now have the recipe and can use it whenever I like. Thank you so much Natasha!

    Ilene Morrison Theta Healer, Entrepreneur
  • I’ve struggled most of my life to overcome blocks to my success. Most of these blocks were hidden deep within my awareness, and inaccessible to my conscious mind; until I started my coaching journey with Natasha. I now have the confidence, the motivation, and the tools to move toward my goals! Thank you, Natasha. I am forever grateful.

    Callayna Pasternak Professional writer
  • I was fortunate to be able to have a Pranic Healing with Natasha after having a laser procedure to help a chronic vision issue I have been dealing with since 2016. While Natasha was working on me, I experienced a very concrete, physical sensation of energy moving. The best way I can think of to describe it was like a flood of effervescent bubbles percolating through the inside of my eye. My vision immediately improved on the spot and during the next follow-up I had with my doctor, the tests showed that my vision had improved threefold. This is the real deal!

    Alicia Thompson

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