Do you know what depletes you?

I used to suffer from migraines. Anyone who has been afflicted with this recurring condition knows how unrelenting the pain of a migraine can be. It was during one of my migraines that I had a fascinating insight. I had a negative thought about some future event that I was worried about, and I noticed that the pain in my head increased immediately.
In later reflection, I realized that the negative thought “cost me” a certain amount of my Prana or life force. The migraine must have already seriously depleted me and this is why I felt the additional loss of energy so strongly.
Our bodies (and our energy bodies) are very adept at compensating for our usual energy losses, so we do not usually feel the depletion. But it is happening, whether we are aware of it or not.
Have you ever eaten something and felt tired afterwards? This used to happen to me in the afternoons. I used to eat subway sandwiches for lunch and then feel exhausted for a couple of hours. I finally realized that those sandwiches were costing my body energy. When I stopped eating them, I did not feel tired in the afternoons.
This does not mean that everyone will have this experience with those sandwiches. We are all constructed a little differently.
I would like to ask you to become aware of what (or who) is depleting you energetically, and what (or who) is energetically filling you. Tune into your body when you are with another person. Do you feel good and energized? How about when someone enters the room? If you tune in, you can sense it immediately.
Pay attention to how you are affected by the food you eat. I can tell the difference of how my body feels after eating fresh vegetables, as opposed to eating (previously) frozen vegetables. Both are organic, but I can feel the difference. The fresh vegetables give so much more energy and life force.

Do you worry about someone? Think about them a lot? You can be sure that you are sending them your energy. As soon as you think those thoughts… you can feel a certain amount of your units of energy being sucked out of you.

Your ability to experience happiness, joyful relationships, health, financial success… it is all dependent on how well you manage your own energy.

Do you work in the healing profession? Perhaps you are a therapist, nurse, or an energy healer? People are, unknowingly and unintentionally, attaching to you and taking your energy. They look to you as a source of healing and a source of energy. This is why so many people in the healing profession feel so burned out, or appear haggard after spending a decade or more serving others.

Here are some tips:

  • Decide to increase your awareness of how you feel when in contact with: food, people, thoughts you often think about.
  • Ask your guides & angels to help you increase your awareness
  • Increase the things & people that fill you and nurture you.
  • Decrease the things & people that deplete you.
  • Take salt baths.
  • Ask your guides & angels to help you cut cords.