Magic of the Summer Solstice

During a session yesterday, a client asked me if I had some guidance regarding the summer solstice. Although I follow the guidance of the phases of the Moon and my own life cycles (according to my Destiny cards), I rarely write about it.

I will share the reason for this in a future email.

If you have an interest in following the cycles of nature and wish to be in sync with Mother Earth (and funnel energy & blessings into your wishes and manifestations), this post is for you!

This is a time when the sun is at its zenith and the strongest part of its cycle. All that you have been working toward in the first half of the year is now ready to ripen! Traditionally, this is a time of celebrations and feasts. Many cultures around the world celebrate this time of year, and many of their celebrations involve feasts, bonfires, and other life-affirming activities.

It is also the time when the veil between the world of elementals (fairies) and our world becomes thin. For those of your who feel a connection to that realm, this is your chance for a sighting! They love sparkly and pretty things, crystals, and flowers. They are a bit quirky and have a particular vibration so they only appear to certain people. If you wish to attract them, arrange a pretty spot outside in your garden and mentally send out the request for a visit.

Do you wish to use this time to pour energy into your wishes? In that case, prepare an altar. Altars are a wonderful way to power up your manifestation! It is like adding a bit of extra energy and focus into your prayers and wishes. This is a time of celebration and light, so arrange your altar with gold and yellow colors. Use sunflowers to decorate your altar, if possible. Place a candle (yellow or gold colored) in the center and a bowl in front of it. Put something in the bowl that represents your wish.
Write your wishes on a piece of paper.
Then express gratitude for all the blessings you have received so far. Remember, the Summer Solstice is a time to celebrate and affirm life, and if you are in a vibration of resentment and feel heavy with grudges, it will be almost impossible for you to receive.
When you are in the energy of gratitude, it is time to ask for the manifestation of your wishes. Light your piece of paper on fire above the toilet in your bathroom (and then let it drop in the bowl). Your “bonfire” is a symbolic part of the ritual and traditional to the Summer Solstice (but please use caution with fire!).
After you have petitioned for your wishes, please detach and let go. Do your best to remain in gratitude for the remainder of the day. This is a time for gatherings and parties, so get out there and connect with others.

This is also a time for inviting dreams and visions of the future. Dowsing rods were traditionally cut and made at this time. If you wish to invite prophetic dreams, soak some herbs (such as St. John’s Wort and Jarrow) in water and wash your face with them before bed. This is an old practice that was believed to bring visions of the future. If the herbs were picked fresh, you can leave them on your front door to dry before soaking them in water. This will also bring protection and blessings to your home.

If you do not wish to practice any of the above rituals, but would still like to honor the Solstice, I have a suggestion. This is an excellent time for reflection and personal growth.
Here are some questions to ponder:

  • What have you been working on (or toward) this year?
  • What progress have you made?
  • What blessings are you most thankful for this year?
  • What person would you like to send blessings to?
  • What challenges are you facing?
  • What is your petition/ prayer request/ wish that you would like to receive before the end of the year?

I wish you a blessed Summer Solstice and a most productive and happy remainder of the year.