Make Your Quantum Leap

Imagine if you could experience a transformation and attract what you want with ease? What if you were free from all the heavy emotions, thoughts, and blocks that kept you from getting what you want?

I will work with you to remove your blocks, negative beliefs, and bonds that have kept you from experiencing freedom, peace, and the attainment of your desires.
You will get all the tools and support to achieve your goals.

This is a 6-month coaching program where I work with you 1 : 1 to help you reach your goals.

The program is highly customized to your needs and preferences. Here are some of the tools I use:

  1. Theta Healing sessions (remove internal, ancestral, and belief blocks).
  2. Pranic Healing sessions (heal traumas, phobias, negative thoughts).
  3. Pranich Healing sessions for physical ailments.
  4. Intuitive readings.
  5. Cutting the ties (a process for eliminating negative childhood conditioning).

Cost of 6-month individual program:

  • $4,500 USD (paid in single payment).
  • $850 USD monthly for 6 months.

Want to make sure this program is right for you? Please schedule your free Zoom call with me HERE or contact me via my Contact Form below.

Accelerate Your Success

VIP Month

This is a 30-day intensive where I work with you 1 : 1 to help you reach a specific goal. If there is an area of your life where you need the most support (finances, relationship, career) and we work intensely on:

  • Clarifying the root of the issue
  • Healing and repairing
  • Creating a new reality
  • Giving you the tools to maintain the work

Cost of the Accelerate Your Success VIP Month:

  • $1,995.00 USD

Would you like to dive into the VIP Month? Let me know via my Contact Form below

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    I no longer offer individual readings (currently for members and clients only). If you are interested in working with me individually and would like more information, please contact me via the CONTACT FORM below. Looking forward to meeting you!

    Tarot / Intuitive Guidance Reading

    Destiny Card Reading

    This is an hour reading where I give you your birth card and a view of the year ahead. What exactly are destiny cards?

    Based on your birth date and the electromagnetic energy of the earth and astrology, The Destiny Card System brings forward an extremely accurate system of understanding your unique template. This template guides you in realizing your potential.

    The Destiny Card System is a science based on the 52 cards and the  energy at the time of your birth. According to the system, each person has a unique a birth card and a planetary ruling card as well as other cards like Karma cards, Pluto, and Venus, Saturn cards, etc.  Once you know your cards, you will know who you are more clearly and understand what is happening in all areas of your life. The cards will provide you with the information you need to know for better navigating your life and (more specifically), the year ahead.

    In addition to our life spread, there cycles we each go through. Seven year cycles, yearly cycles and 52 day periods. Readings will give you the insight and the energy for the cycle you are in. Within these cycles are energies of challenges and gifts for you. There is practical wisdom and information to utilize. What if you knew it was your year to find your partner, or a potential for divorce, or time where business could boom or fail, best times to travel, buy real estate, and more. Once you understand of the forces at work within you, you can make better choices.

    Please contact me via the form below to inquire about the readings.

    Contact me

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