I have been doing readings since I was a teenager!

Intuitives and energy healers run in my family. My uncle is a water diviner and my mom sees visions. It has always felt natural to me to seek guidance from the universal consciousness and from my guides. 

How do they work and how a reading can help you?

A reading can give you a “preview” of the events that you are about to experience. Many upcoming events are already in your energetic field and are about to “land”, and you may or may not be aware of them. 

A reading can also give you clarity and help you make better decisions. 

For example, you may not be happy with your current job and would like to make a change. 

I would ask you to draw three cards while asking “What is my most probable future if I stay at my current job?”, and, I would also have you draw three additional cards for changing your job and working for some other company. The more specific you can be with your question, the more accurate your answer will be. If you had a specific company in mind for your “option B” when asking about changing your job, then you would get a better answer. 

Creating those two separate piles of three cards (for 2 or more options) will help you understand and interpret your answer much better. You will have various options to compare and contrast. 

Frequently the answer will be obvious, even to a beginning reader.


  • What career direction will bring me satisfaction (financial and emotional)?
  • If I invest in this (course, training, educational program), will it give me the desired results?
  • Will this healing method prove successful and help me heal?
  • Is this business partnership going to be harmonious and profitable?
  • Does this romantic interest have serious future potential?
  • Is my ______________ honest with me?
  • Should I quit my job? 
  • If I launch my (book, program, membership) now, will it be successful?


Sometimes clients get readings that they don’t like. Perhaps they had expectations that something was going to happen in a certain way, and the cards are showing a disappointment.

It is important to keep in mind that the cards can only show you the most probable future according to the factors present at this time. If the client changes their approach,makes a different decision, or shifts their internal energetic vibration, the outcome will most likely change. 

Many times the cards are letting you know that something with your plan is not working to your advantage. You may need to rework your plan or your strategy. A good reader will keep asking you questions and “digging” until there is some clarity around the adjustment that needs to be made to achieve the desired result. 

For example, I was drawing cards with a friend regarding a new program I wanted to launch. I wanted to wait until the end of Mercury Retrograde to launch the program. The cards were strongly encouraging me to launch much earlier. 

I decided not to listen to the reading and stick to my original plan. 

Guess what happened?

The Covid-19 crises hit and many people simply did not want to make any non-essential investments. I should have launched the program earlier, when there was still peace in the world. 


Some of you may have attended my workshop “Chakra Yoga & Tarot”. In the workshop, I have the attendees draw three cards, asking a question about a situation that they want to change. 

After everyone had an opportunity to draw their cards and get a quick reading, we all practice a session of Chakra Yoga. In this special yoga session, I teach a sequence that activates and balances the most important chakras of the attendees. 

The energetic shift in the room is noticeable!

After the Chakra Yoga practice, the attendees once again draw three cards for the same question. 

Inevitably, they receive a more positive reading.

In reality, the cards are simply a “energetic barometer” for their ability to manifest and attract what they want. It is clear that the attendees were able to shift their reality by taking a different action.

Something else happens after the Chakra Yoga practice. Many times the students were able to “download” answers and guidance during the session. The Chakra activating yoga sequence cleared their energetic blocks and activated their own intuition. 


Many of my clients are spiritual entrepreneurs. They are either operating their own businesses or aspiring to build a profitable business. 

As many solopreneurs know, it is necessary to invest in yourself and your own business. However, it is also risky to make those investments, especially if the investment is a large amount of money (or time). A reading can give you some valuable insight regarding the potential profitability of those investments. 

A good reading can also help you openly discuss your decisions, and consider all your options and possibilities. 

Since I have experience building a spiritual business myself, I truly enjoy supporting other like-minded entrepreneurs and helping them find success as soon as possible! 

I have listed the types of readings I currently offer and the prices below. I do not offer remote Turkish coffee readings.

I no longer offer individual readings (currently for members and clients only). If you are interested in becoming a member in my Path to My Miracle group or work with me 1 : 1, and would like more information, please contact me via the CONTACT FORM below. Looking forward to meeting you!


Tarot / Intuitive Guidance Reading

Destiny Card Reading

This is an hour reading where I give you your birth card and a view of the year ahead. What exactly are destiny cards?

Based on your birth date and the electromagnetic energy of the earth and astrology, The Destiny Card System brings forward an extremely accurate system of understanding your unique template. This template guides you in realizing your potential.

The Destiny Card System is a science based on the 52 cards and the  energy at the time of your birth. According to the system, each person has a unique a birth card and a planetary ruling card as well as other cards like Karma cards, Pluto, and Venus, Saturn cards, etc.  Once you know your cards, you will know who you are more clearly and understand what is happening in all areas of your life. The cards will provide you with the information you need to know for better navigating your life and (more specifically), the year ahead.

In addition to our life spread, there cycles we each go through. Seven year cycles, yearly cycles and 52 day periods. Readings will give you the insight and the energy for the cycle you are in. Within these cycles are energies of challenges and gifts for you. There is practical wisdom and information to utilize. What if you knew it was your year to find your partner, or a potential for divorce, or time where business could boom or fail, best times to travel, buy real estate, and more. Once you understand of the forces at work within you, you can make better choices.

Please contact me via the Contact Form by clicking HERE.