As You Sow Abundantly, You Reap Abundantly

The above image is from the Rider Waite Tarot deck, and the card shown is the Six of Pentacles. In the image we see a well-dressed man giving coins to the two beggars, kneeling at his feet. Do you see something a little unusual in this image? A symbol? If you guessed the scales the man is holding in his left hand, then you are correct. 
The scales symbolize the Law of Karma. He is giving alms to the poor in order to generate good karma for himself, or to neutralize his bad karma. He is aware that, in order to continue to grow his wealth, he needs to give a portion of it back to the community. 

The laws are actually quite simple; if you want love, give love. If you want health, heal others. If you want money, give money. 
You may be thinking, how can I give money if I need it myself? Give what you can. Help others make money. Perform small acts of kindness.

I use this method consistently and it makes a huge difference, especially when I am presenting a new workshop and I need more people to sign up. I just make a donation and then I ask my higher power to help me fill the workshop. Works every time. 

I knew a man who had a construction business. He was a kind man, an animal lover, and had a generous spirit. Every time he booked a lucrative job, he was in our local coffee shop treating everyone to a cappuccino! Needless to say, he was consistently working – even during the recession. 

Generosity is a very big part of success. Tithing, service, and charitable work are an important part of building a wealthy and abundant life. However, those practices tend to be overlooked an neglected by many in today’s world. 
If you are doing everything else: working hard, showing up, making the right connections…but you are still not where you want to be – you may need to build up some good karma. 
Remember to dedicate the good karma earned (by your donation or service) toward the materialization of your goals.