Boost your voltage to heal

A few weeks ago I had a fascinating conversation with Liz Larson of Cognomovement. She and Bill McKenna visited Blind Frog Ranch in Utah to investigate the miracle healings reported on that property.
Using their Bio-Well machine (that measures the energy flow in the body, assesses the health of each internal organ, as well as the overall energy levels and chakra alignment), they took measurements prior to their arrival and also at several points while on the property.
Their findings were absolutely fascinating! The average energetic jump was about 30%. How does that actually manifest in the body? For example, a chronic respiratory condition that Liz suffered from for years simply disappeared! She breathed with relief and ease. Bill experienced a miraculous recovery from a longtime digestive issue. He was able to consume foods that would have ordinarily caused him great abdominal distress.
Clearly, there is a “charge” in the land & water of this property that is able to charge our batteries and produce miracle healings. When the physical body receives a big boost of voltage, it can direct the extra energy to rejuvenate and repair itself.
When speaking to the residents of Blind Frog ranch, they discovered that they are: in radiant physical health, have abundant energy, great quality of sleep, are in high spirits, and also their personal relationships are healthy and thriving.
Clearly, there is so much that we do not know about how our physical and etheric body work and co-operate.

Unfortunately, the amazing boost of energy and the subsequent healing experienced by Bill and Liz was temporary. When they returned home, their energy dropped to its usual level. Liz did take a few crystals from the ranch to improve her breathing issue at home and did experience good results.
Perhaps if they stayed longer than a couple of days, their bodies would have received enough energy to establish a new way of functioning and been able to maintain those wonderful results.
Blind Frog ranch adds credibility to the legend of Shangri-La, a mysterious place where the inhabitants remain forever young and healthy. The power is indeed in the land.

In the work that I do, using Pranic Healing to heal, I scan the individual chakra’s and internal organs of a client in order to determine if they are congested or depleted energetically. Many are a combination of both. Others need consistent energetic boosts to feel good. My mother, for example, needs weekly treatments of Pranic Healing. If she doesn’t receive the healing, she loses energy and feels fatigued. Some of my clients only need a few sessions to completely heal, while others need to receive sessions for several months for the same results.
Because of my training and practice working with energy, I have a great interest in this particular direction of study. The more I learn, the more I can be of service.

What can we do on our own to maintain our health and energy levels? We receive Prana (life force) from the sun and the earth. Walking barefoot on grass in the sunshine can be a wonderful recharging for the body. Bathing in salt water is also amazing.
Consuming food and drink that contains large amounts of Prana is also very healing and rejuvenating.
What drains our natural battery?
Consuming foods and beverages that deplete our body’s storage of energy. Entertaining negative thoughts that dim our auric glow. Pharmaceutical drugs frequently compromise the body’s natural ability to recharge and heal. Surgical procedures, especially involving dental work such as root canals, can also compromise our battery power by short-circuiting our internal energy channels.                         
There is so much valuable & important information that is not commonly taught.

If you are interested in learning more about Bill & LIz’s experience at Blind Frog ranch, please watch the YouTube video they posted HERE.

You may also find the work of Dr. Jerry Tennant and Glenn Streeter interesting. They have conducted research that proves that the human body is largely voltage-regulated, not chemically regulated.

Do you find this as fascinating as I do? Let me know!