Cards of Your Destiny

Some of you may remember that I launched my Patron membership group on April of last year. I deliberately chose that month to create a new membership group. Why?
I used a very old system of a mathematical oracle called Destiny Cards to give the optimal dates for this kind of an endeavor. In that period of time, I was most likely to have success in working with groups of people, specifically in the field of  spirituality.

This system can also be used to give you an idea of the cycles of your year ahead, and give you a chance to truly embrace your successes and better prepare for your challenges. 
You will learn if this is a year of romance and marriage, or a year of success and advancement. There are also time periods that advise financial caution and consolidation of resources.

Before you dismiss this divination system as gypsy fortunetelling, I would like to give you some more history and information about it.

The earliest that we can trace these teachings is to a man named Olney Richmond, a man who lived during the Civil War and had a homeopathic pharmacy practice in Michigan. He was gifted with a rare mathematical ability and possessed some of the secrets of cosmic mathematics. Apparently he was approached by a French occultist who introduced him to the Order of the Magi, an ancient mystery school that is believed to have existed in the times of Atlantis. 
After dedicating himself to this study for over two decades, Olney moved to Chicago in the early 1890’s and founded a secret society called The Order of the Magi. The Order of the Magi taught “the religion of the stars, based on a knowledge of astronomy, geology, mathematics and other sciences. It is a scientific religion which accepts nothing as a fact until proven, and every proposition we make is susceptible of mathematical demonstration and proof”.
Today, we don’t know much about their inner teachings, but the fascinating oracle of the Cards of Destiny survives. Olney’s daughter continued the work after her father passed, and among her students were the famed Florence Campbell and Edith Randall, who later published their own book called Sacred Symbols of the Ancients. This book is still available and is the first to illuminate the personality traits of the 52 Birth Cards. Though they never talked much about the Order, their work served to spread the knowledge of this wonderful system with many around the world.

If interpreted (or rather, calculated) correctly, the Cards of Destiny can give you a lot of information. You can learn your purpose and challenges in this life, your current Karmic cycle, your best romantic partners, your most prosperous and joyful years, and your most challenging years. The insights are truly fascinating and often healing for my clients.
I use this oracle frequently with my clients, as it gives me valuable information about their current cycles and the obstacles they are likely to experience (and with who they will have challenges). I usually look at the year ahead, and each person’s year is calculated from their birthday in 52 day periods.

Finally, the oracle uses ordinary playing cards as a medium for easy interpretation, and this may seem odd to some. I can assure you that this is a real and fascinating oracle, and as old as astrology or numerology.