Dealing with Anxiety and Discomfort

These past few days were tough on me. I felt like I someone clamped a ball & chain on my ankle, and I am just dragging myself around in circles.
I’ve been sleeping poorly, and feeling worried.
The difficult thing about these dark and uncomfortable periods, is that everything seems colored with the same shade of gray. When I thought of my relationship, I could only see the problems and I focused on my partner’s flaws. When I thought of my future, I only saw uncertainty and stress. My mom has been unwell, and it scares me. I feel that I just can’t bear another loss of a loved one.

When your frequency lowers, you are only able to access information and emotions that resonate with that frequency. The deeper you slip into the abyss, the more energy is required to rise up.
Why did I dip so low?
A few weeks ago, I began to work on a new method of manifesting. Before sharing anything with my clients, I try it on myself. A part of this process is correcting self-worth issues that would likely sabotage the quantum jump I am intent on making. As I am affirming success and self-love, I am shifting my internal vibration and patterns of thinking.
To understand this from an energy healing perspective, as your chakra’s expand and grow more vibrant, so the issues and “bugs” that have been embedded in your chakras grow and float up to the surface.
This can be difficult and painful. But it is a part of the healing process, and it is an internal adjustment that is very uncomfortable.

If you have stepped forward to expand spiritually, and have ambitions to heal yourself and prosper, expect to be challenged. This is actually a good sign. You are on the right path, and are being pushed to evolve and mature.

What can you do to help yourself get through it?

  • Ask for help from your guides and angels. This is so simple and easy that almost everyone forgets about it.
  • Be aware that your perspective and vision is affected by your vibration. If you are feeling low, you are likely only to be able to see the negative things about yourself and those close to you. Do not believe it. Your mind is lying to you.
  • Move your body. Physical exercise will increase the size and vibration of your chakra’s and will help purify your energetic field. It helps if you set the intention before exercising, like “I’d like to receive insight about my situation”. Also, your guides will have an easier time getting through to you when your vibration rises.
  • Ask for help from a Pranic Healer. We are able to clear those clouds of anxiety and depression from your energetic field and help you recover faster.

You see that I inserted an image and a quote of Bruce Lee in this post. I return to this quote often to give me courage and fortitude. Rejection and struggle are simply feedback. If you can take the feedback and keep correcting your course, success and joy awaits you. I have no doubts about that.