Hiring Heavenly Helpers

Whenever I’d misplace something, I would ask my divine “helpers” to help me find it. A few years ago I was about to leave for the airport to fly to Croatia for my summer retreat. Tim was about to take me to the airport when I suddenly realized that my keys are missing. In full panic mode, I started running all over the house frantically searching for my keys. Fortunately, I remembered to ask my “helpers” for help! A few minutes later, Tim calls out to me, “Found them!”, and then, “Your were right, they were in the garage”. What?? I told him that I had no idea that they were in the garage. He replied, “I heard your voice say ‘Garage!'”.
I then realized that my “helpers” helped us! 
In time, I realized that those “helpers” were my angels and guides who had the capacity to offer assistance far beyond locating lost objects.

Some time later, when we were living in Utah, I asked my guides to bring me a few more private clients. Within a couple of weeks, I signed several new clients. That was a big financial help!

However, there were some occasions when my requests for help were seemingly not answered. I did not get what I asked for. So, I began to question and research this phenomenon of divine help and assistance. There must be a formula, a method, or a divine order that must be honored and fulfilled for the help to manifest.
I also discovered that there are various ways that our wishes are granted, and its not always how we expect it to happen. 

Here is what I learned:
Ask for what you need with confidence and faith, like you are asking something from a dear friend.
I remember feeling unworthy of asking for big things. I also remember having difficulty receiving good things. The blocks of shame and unworthiness clouded my energetic field, and it was challenging for me to receive. When I asked for help, it felt like groveling and it was uncomfortable. 
Much later, I became demanding of my helpers and guides. I felt entitled to the help and was frustrated when it didn’t happen as envisioned.
Both of these approaches are wrong!

As a co-creator of this reality, you absolutely have the right to ask for assistance. As a matter of fact, it is encouraged. 
However, you must be in the frequency to receive the help. If you are asking for help with finances and relationships and it is not working out, then you must dig deeper. Maybe it is time to ask your angels for insight into the blocks or obstacles that are blocking you. Perhaps you could also ask for the right healer or teacher to come into your life so you can gain understanding and overcome your obstacles. It may also be helpful to ask for help in dissolving any resistance to people who are trying to help you. You may be sabotaging your relationships with the right people, and may not even be conscious of this. 
Just the process of asking those questions and asking for divine assistance with these things is a big step in your growth and evolution. This is what your angels want!
As they help you gain awareness, your confidence will grow and your ability to handle the things you asked for will increase. 

As your awareness expands and your energetic field elevates in frequency, your wishes will manifest so much faster. It will start to feel effortless. 

There is no reason that we should be struggling and suffering! There are so many celestial beings around us, and they are eagerly awaiting your invitation so they can assist you. We need to ask, ask, ask!
My dear friend Cynthia Sue Larson shared with me that she asks for divine protection over herself and her family & friends every day. It is a simple and yet powerful request. 
Before doing readings, I ask angels of intuition and prophecy to assist me in three ways: to help me download and access the information, to understand and interpret the “downloads” correctly, and to speak and articulate the information with kindness and in the way to bring understanding and peace to my client. My readings are so much more accurate. The information just flows.

These requests take seconds to make, and yet they make a big difference in our lives.
We just need to start thinking of our guides & angels as our divine partners and valuable helpers in this earthly journey. No request is too big or too small.
Here is a list of ways to ask for assistance (that you may not have thought of):

  • Want a new car? Hire a celestial car salesman
  • Better job? Spiritual job hunter can help you
  • Feeling overextended? Hire a spiritual energy “monitor”
  • Planning a trip? Hire a spiritual travel agent
  • Need to take an exam? Hire an angel tutor who can help you learn and remember the material
  • Lost a pet? Hire a spiritual pet finder
  • Starting a business? Hire a team of : a promoter, an organizer, a time manager, financial consultant, etc.
  • Producing a big event? Hire an energy monitor so you maintain your stamina as well as angels who can give you practical assistance with the production details
  • Feel like life is just been an ongoing struggle? Hire an entire Joy Committee!
  • Struggling with your health? Hire a celestial healer who can help you get to the root of the problem, hire another to help you be relieved of the symptoms and the discomfort, and yet another to help you be guided to the right healer, if necessary.
  • Feeling swamped with calls and demands? Ask your spiritual helper to help you keep incoming calls to a manageable number
  • Not getting enough clients or work orders? Ask your celestial helpers to help you get booked up

Starting to see the possibilities?
Spirit loves helping you and being included in every detail of your life. All you have to do is ask.
Remember, you have an enormous resource pool at your disposal.

The truth is that we are not small and insignificant beings at the mercy of a persnickety universe. Our Creator wants his children to freely and courageously fulfill their destinies here on Earth. The Creator wants us to know that we have access to divine guidance and assistance every step of the way. 
We are asked to grow up spiritually and find the courage to take charge of our lives. We are co-creators with the Creator.

Once you ask for help, let it go. Do your best to stay unattached. Cultivate a grateful and joyful state of mind. It will help your angels make things happen for you. Staying unattached allows the infinitely creative source to delight you in ways that are even better than you may have imagined.
Do not get impatient and try to hurry things along. Divine timing is impeccable.

One more thing. Sometimes the answer is “No”. Not because you are not loved or worthy. It is just that getting what you asked for is not in your highest and best interest. 
However, instead of feeling disappointed, you can ask your angels to help you accept the outcome and to gently redirect you to your divine and destined path. 

A book I highly recommend on this subject is Hiring the Heavens by Jean Slatter. It is a must read!