Lessons of the Born Aware
Have you ever observed a cat in a carrier? I was at an airport and I saw a woman struggle to get her cat out of the carrier. The cat completed her journey and her human wanted to free her from the small and restrictive carrier.
I am certain that the cat resisted going into the carrier, and now it was resisting coming out!
It sounds a bit funny, doesn’t it?
I believe that this is exactly how we behave when we are sent into our physical bodies. Many of us resist being born into this realm! Some, more adventurous souls are willing to dive in, but I am certain that all of us have some level of trepidation when we make the decision to be born.
However, once we get used to this reality and forget our origins, we dread our exit and fight to remain here as long as possible. I am sure that spirit guides anticipate these kind of challenges with their humans, and are prepared to handle “difficult’ cases.
There are people who do not forget their origins (known as the Born Aware), and I believe that they have an important message to share.
It was a fascinating interview with Christian Sundberg that reminded me of the Born Aware phenomenon. My interviews with the wonderful Cynthia Sue Larson and Diane Brandon had already introduced me to this concept, as both of these ladies are Born Aware. (I have not personally interviewed Christian Sundberg yet).
Christian speaks of a pre-birth memory of meeting an extraordinary Being who radiated joy and power. Impressed, he asked this Being how he achieved this level of radiance, and the Being responded, “By living a life on Earth”. Christian asked if he could also achieve this state if he incarnated on Earth, and the Being answered, “Yes, but it is not easy. I mean it, you don’t know how difficult it is”.
After consulting with his team of guides, Christian decided to give it a shot. However, his bungled his first attempt. Apparently, the downward spiral into our lower vibration is so harsh, so dark, that he decided to abort the mission. His mother miscarried as a result.
After some more preparation and coaching from his guides, he tried again. This time he stuck around. Christian has lived many lives since that rough beginning, and has requested that he does not entirely forget his soul memories for this current life.
Contrary to what you may think, it is not easy for the Born Aware soul. Our dense reality of duality and separation is hard to endure when you remember the blissful state you came from. Many Born Aware souls desperately want to return home, and some resort to ending their own lives. The contrast is too much to bear.
Clearly, no one gets a “free ride” here on Earth!
What are the Born Aware here to teach us? That we are just an energetic vibration away from joy, illumination, and love. That this is a temporary trip, and, if we choose not to believe the illusion of separation, scarcity, and competition, we can experience freedom and bliss here on Earth.
Here are some interesting things Christian shared:
- There are “technicians” who help calibrate the souls vibration downgrade before the “jump”.
- Making it down to Earth is an accomplishment as the downgrade in vibration is difficult for souls to manage.
- The radiant Being (who inspired Christian) achieved his luminosity by bearing a difficult life with grace.
- Many souls experience fear in their descent to Earth because they experience the dense vibration as darkness.
- Fear is our biggest challenge and obstacle here.
- Christian gained access to many of his soul memories when he began his spiritual journey (and started a meditation practice).
- We preview our potential future lifetime before we agree to it, and are informed of our crisis points and exit points.
- There are no certainties, only probabilities in our potential life path (other “players” also influence us).
If you are reading this email, I know that you are a courageous soul who desires expansion and growth. I also know that this is not an easy time to be here on Earth, and that we must have all signed up for the ride.
Let’s impress the heck out of our spirit guides and make this lifetime count.