My brother, the super manifestor

My brother built a successful company from nothing, and he did all of this in Croatia, with virtually zero support. Not only did he not receive financial support or mentorship, he was actually ridiculed by others around him.
He shared with me that he keeps himself motivated by visualizing his next level of achievement. If he wants a car, he keeps thinking of this car and visualizing himself driving the car. He will also look at pictures of the car and visit car dealerships. As he does this, he plays happy music and smiles from ear to ear.
(He got the car he wanted).
Currently, he wants a large house with land. In the Croatian capital city of Zagreb, this is not an easy feat. Undeterred, he just keeps visualizing and believing. I am certain that he will get it! (He already owns 3 apartments).

But its not all rainbows and unicorns.
He suffers from a lot of stress and anxiety that manifests as acute gastritis. He loses his patience quite a bit, especially when he is driving. When he is on vacation, his symptoms lessen and he is able to eat normally. When he goes back to work, it flares up again.

From my perspective, my brother is a wonderful manifester. He is able to generate enough energy and certainty that he successfully materializes his wishes.
Unfortunately, he does not know how to clear out all the stress, the negative energy, and all the contamination he absorbs from all that life throws at him. If he does not learn that skill, he will continue to struggle with his health.
Before you ask me this question, yes, I did offer to help him with Pranic Healing. A Pranic Healing session and a regular practice of energy hygiene could turn his life around in a very positive way. Sadly, he is unwilling to receive this from me at this time.
Maybe when the physical discomfort gets too much to bear, he will ask for help….

This is why I always talk about the importance of clearing blocks and cleaning our energy field before we start manifesting what we want.
If you don’t follow that order, manifesting likely will:

  • Take a long time
  • Come with a cost
  • Feel like a huge effort
  • Make you so uncomfortable that you will lose it all