The healing power of Color Therapy

In preparation for a big online summit I am hosting, I have been interviewing many amazing experts and teachers. Recently, I conducted an interview that truly blew my socks off, and learned information that can be life changing for all of us.
Even though the upcoming summit won’t be launched until next month, I feel compelled to share some of this information with you right away.
The gentleman I interviewed is the inspiring Steven Ross. He is a researcher and historian of revolutionary healing modalities and healing machines. His life’s work, the entire collection of books, documents, and machines, is located in Sedona, Arizona.
During our interview, I chose to focus on a healing modality that any of us can use to heal ourselves (and our loved ones), without the need of a practitioner or a machine.
This healing modality is Color Therapy (Spectro-Chrome Therapy).
In Steven’s book, And Nothing Happened, he details the history and the use of this therapy. A notable example that was published in an 1926 newspaper documents the miracle healing of a little girl named Grace Shirlow. Grace was taken to the Philadelphia Women’s Hospital with severe burns over much of her body. She was deemed a hopeless case as she was not even able to void fluids out of her body.
After Dr. Kate Baldwin (a doctor who was familiar with this therapy), applied the color scarlet over her kidneys, Grace was able to urinate. Then, the color blue was applied over the burns and the horrible pain subsided.
Grace was given treatments over the next several months, and was able to walk out of the hospital (18 months later) without ever been given any other therapy or topical treatment.
The implications of this are revolutionary. This therapy is gentle and has no side effects. Anyone (with color gels or filters and a working light that can be projected) can do this.
There are many books where you can learn more about this therapy, including the exact color protocols for various ailments, but the best one is Let There Be Light by Darius Dinshah.

I also highly recommend any books by Steven Ross, but if you wish to read more about the various amazing healing modalities he discovered, please visit his website and get a copy of And Nothing Happened. (I have no affiliate relationship with Dr. Ross and receive no profit from this referral).
In this book you will learn:

  • A past chairman of the Nobel Assembly whose electrical cure for cancer, with no adverse effects, was completely ignored.
  • A device that heals wounds at twice normal speed.
  • An African herb that has been shown in multiple studies to eliminate the need for heart- bypass in 90% of scheduled surgeries.
  • The most powerful light-source microscope in the world; if it was used for research it would change the entire paradigm of medicine away from pharmaceuticals.
  • How the use of color allowed a little girl with 3rd degree burns on two- thirds of her body to grow new skin without topical preparations.
  • How an eagle was cured of a health problem but why humans continue to suffer, denied the same beneficial therapy.

I hope you grab a copy of Steven’s book! You can grab a digital copy ($8) or a physical copy ($19.77)  – but the information is priceless. Get your copy HERE.