The high price of scarcity

There is not a more oppressive and destructive force than a scarcity mindset. Imagine it as a shriveled up entity with hollow eye sockets that pokes and prods its victims into an anxious state of fear and misery.
Scarcity will tell you that what you have is never enough and that you must sacrifice everything to be safe. This mindset will eventually destroy your relationships, your sanity, and your health. It breeds resentment, division, and alienation.
Energetically, the seeds of scarcity are embedded in the root chakra. The root chakra expands when you are in the flow of prosperity, and being in the flow is a healthy balance of giving and receiving. When you act in a miserly or self-serving way, your root chakra will shrink. In time, if that behavior continues, your root chakra shrinks to such a degree that your existence becomes devoid of joy and love. In short, you are deprived of everything that makes life worth living.
I have witnessed the karmic effects of scarcity and miserliness. When I was a performer, I recall the people who hated to pay a fair price for my services and aggressively negotiated for a deal. When I would show up at their home, I was surprised at the wealth and opulence of their house and the lavish celebration. It became clear that they were quite wealthy, but lived in a state of scarcity. I also frequently observed the negative attitudes of some of their guests. Sadly, there was much gossip and jealousy happening behind their backs.
I have also seen the mental deterioration of scarcity-minded people. Many of them alienate people around them with their behavior and become lonely and isolated.
I knew a woman who, despite being worth millions, was very stingy to her friends and expected her best friend and roommate (a woman who made her living as a manicurist) to pay for most of their shared bills. She was left alone and never understood why, even after paying an expensive therapist and taking lots of psyche meds.
If you feel that there is “never enough” despite how much you really have in the bank, remember that your real currency and value is in the relationships you have. Appreciation and gratitude are the key to turning this around.
How do you feel when you help someone? The feeling is so good! It is as though you are experiencing a healing of the soul. I am not telling you to give away all you possess or overdo it, but you must contribute something if you want to thrive and expand.
Remember, your mind can only measure what it can lose. Do not allow it to limit your joy or your growth. Be generous with yourself and others. Give gifts. Help when you can. Treat your friend to a coffee. This acts of generosity and kindness add up. Your life will expand and grow.