The horrors of marketing and selling

A couple of months ago I scheduled a call with a “breakthrough coach” after watching a compelling presentation by a highly recommended success coach.
This call was turned out to be a horrible and stressful experience. There was no actual coaching in the call, but a very persistent and hard “sell, sell, sell”. The sales person obviously had a script and an agenda. I am sure that she earned a sizeable commission for each sale and was highly motivated to go for the “close”.
This method must work for them at least some of the time, but it had the opposite effect on me. I felt so alienated by the experience that I will never follow this coach again.
Experiences like this are the reason that people mistrust anything that “smells” like a sales pitch. Their guard goes up and they run the other way. Completely understandable!

However, let’s say that you have a service or a product that you would like to offer to others. Your offers are high quality and your reputation and integrity are important to you.
The truth is that marketing and selling are an important part of running a successful business (that may be your side-business or your non-profit), and you do have the responsibility of presenting your products & services in a way that helps buyers decide if this is something that they would need.
The other truth is that, when you create an offer, 80% of the work needs to be dedicated to the marketing of this offer. For those of you who know what it takes to create a product or a service, this seems daunting.

This is my process.
Before a launch, I do the internal energy work. We all have negative blocks and beliefs about money, selling, and success. We may not feel safe offering our services to others, or we may not feel deserving of success and financial increase.
I check in intuitively and with my Tarot cards. What are my chances of success with this product or service? Because we are usually not objective when it comes to our own questions and concerns, it is always a good idea to bounce ideas with someone else whom you trust. Getting a reading and/or a healing is also recommended! This will give you much needed clarity if you are moving in the right direction and if you are able to receive your success.
The next step is asking your prosperity and marketing angels for help. You may need to move in a slightly different direction and they need your permission to help direct you.
Finally, do your manifesting work. Before anything happens in our material world, it must first be created in the energy world. When it reaches a certain size and momentum, it “pops” into our world.

Finally, when you are offering your product or service to a potential client, give them a sample of your work. It is important that they understand the value of what you are offering. I make a simple offer and I never push. In my case, I offer a sample healing or a reading. If I feel that I can truly be of service to the potential client, I ask for permission to give them information about my services. Then I let go and trust.
I only want to work with people who understand and appreciate my work. There is no need to push and “hard-sell”.
Again, to experience ease and flow in the material world, you must first do the inner work in the energy world. Then you won’t have to “effort” and push.