Using Yoga to shift reality

A few years ago, when I was living in Los Angeles, I was a full-time pilates & yoga instructor. I would give my clients private sessions in their home gyms or in-house studios. 
One of my long-time clients struggled with bipolar disorder and anxiety. She relied on several prescription medicines to maintain her mental health and balance. She is a sweet lady, with a great personality and a wonderful sense of humor. We became friends and it was hard to see her suffering. 
After taking several courses in Pranic Healing, and attending a Chakra Yoga workshop, I began to understand the deeper power of yoga and how to use it with energy healing.
I decided to try a novel approach with my client’s training. She had very poor sense of balance, and a depleted Root Chakra. I had learned that a weak Root Chakra can indicate depression and suicidal thoughts. Her inability to maintain a sense of balance, even in the most simple yoga poses, gave me the added information to understand the depth of her emotional struggle.
I incorporated several balance poses into our regular routine. I consciously set the intention to increase her mental balance and healing before starting the session. As her balance improved and her confidence increased, I kept visualizing her feeling happy and peaceful. 
What happened in the next few months was amazing. She told me that she was decreasing the amount of medications she was taking. Her doctors were slowly and safely reducing her doses. I could see that she was feeling better and more optimistic. That experience deepened my understanding and respect of the physical body and its unique expression.

As I expanded my work with physical modalities (yoga, bellydance), I could see that great shifts were possible with intentional movement. Clients powered up their Root Chakra and started making more money. Others opened up their Sacral Chakra by creating greater flexibility in their hips, and began to experience more pleasure and joy. 
In my opinion, a truly effective spiritual or manifesting practice must include physical movement. So much more is possible when we honor the magic programmed in our physical body. 
I hope you incorporate a physical practice into your life. It will greatly enhance whatever you wish to accomplish. Just remember to set your intention.

Just for fun, I am including some pics of my past yoga retreats in Croatia. It helps to immerse yourself in a beautiful place when practicing! 

Here I am in Tree Pose.

This is my class in Easy Pose, after concluding our practice.

Join me for the next retreat?