You can have two out of three

Are you thinking about starting or growing your own virtual business? I highly recommend it, as it is a wonderful way to:

  • Create more financial security for yourself and your family.
  • Invest in yourself and learn new skills.
  • Experience tremendous personal growth.

If this has been on your mind, than you have probably been looking into various business building options. After building my business from scratch and experimenting with various popular strategies, I have some experience I can share with you.
An easy way to understand what strategy is right for you is by presenting them in this way; you have 3 options and you can only choose 2.
Here are the options:

  1. Quick (you can build your business quickly).
  2. Easy (you can build your business with relative ease and comfort).
  3. Cheap (you can build your business without spending lots of money).

How does this work?

Let’s say that you would like to build your business by posting on social media (Instagram, YouTube…), that would mean that your 2 choices are: Easy and Cheap. You are posting on the platform (easy), and its not costing you anything (cheap). This process can take years to monetize – not Quick.

Perhaps you want to build your business quickly and do not want to do a lot of “heavy lifting”. In that case, your choices are: Quick and Easy. You hire experts who professionally promote and position your product or service to a large audience. This is a considerable investment – not Cheap.

You could also want to build your business quickly and are willing to work. In this case, you would choose to build an audience by producing an online event or a summit. It takes about six to nine months to organize a summit and offer your product and service to your new audience. This is Quick and Cheap, but not Easy.

When starting my business, I first tried various strategies (podcasting, live workshops, Facebook), and did not have a lot of luck. Perhaps I did not have the required patience. I also did not have the money to hire a team of pros who would help propel my business forward. As I did not have a lot of patience and did not have money to invest, my choice was Quick and Cheap. However, it wasn’t Easy.

My inspiration for this post was George Kao, who was my coach a few years ago. He has a wonderful YouTube channel with lots of great advice for spiritual entrepreneurs. He has a video on YouTube entitled “Make money easily, quickly, authentically? Choose 2 of the 3…”.