Ancient & entrenched money beliefs
I was working with a client today who has been engaged in a battle with cancer for several years. Today we decided to do some muscle testing for subconscious beliefs in order to determine what was preventing the cancer to finally “go away”. What emerged was surprising. He created the illness in order to escape the constant and exhausting battle of making enough money to survive. On a deep level, he felt that he was in an inescapable “hamster wheel” of keeping up with his bills.
I kept thinking about how financial frustration drove this man to create an illness as a means of escape. What is happening to us and our world?
This is so wrong.
How did we, as a collective, embrace beliefs that keep us in struggle? I believe that this can be traced back to our world religions (our collective beliefs that go back generations).
For example, the New Testament teaches that “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” (Matt. 19:24.)
How about this one, “by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food”? (Genesis 3:19)
Even if we do not think that you are embedded with these beliefs – they are in our genetic code. Those ancient, collective beliefs have served as a foundation and spawned so many other financial blocks.
The other unfortunate result of the popular interpretations and evolution of religious and sacred scripture is that we (as a collective) create a division between that physical and the spiritual. The physical and the material world is considered inferior and full of temptations. The spiritual world is viewed as superior and the ultimate goal of the seeker.
In the Christian tradition, material wealth is an obstacle to entering the Kingdom of Heaven. In the Hindu belief structure, one must abandon the Path of Desire (quest for material wealth & pleasure) in order to follow the Path of Renunciation (to spiritual enlightenment). Buddhism teaches that one must strive to end the cycle of reincarnation and exit the mortal coil with a fervor as though “one’s hair is on fire”.
These teachings and beliefs have greatly influenced our world and human behavior. We must admit that they have also impacted us and our ability to allow ourselves to expand our wealth in the material world.
The first step to dissolving those blocks is awareness that we have them. They can be very sneaky and deeply hidden in our subconscious. Ask, in prayer or in meditation, that they be revealed to you. You may be surprised at the labyrinth like structures we create in our minds. I witness those structures when working with clients with financial blocks.
Once we have exposed and acknowledged those blocks, ask your higher power to help you clear them. You may be guided to work with a healer, or they may start dissolving on their own.
The final step is to replace them with positive beliefs and a new belief structure regarding the value of the physical and the material aspects of life.
We can look to the Primal Religions that teach that we are a part of the material world and made of the same substance as everything that surrounds us. There is no separation between our world and the unseen world, and we are all part of the Great Mysteries.
After adopting new and positive beliefs, perhaps we would look upon ourselves and our world with fresh eyes. Instead of seeing looming threats of poverty and lack, we may see an abundant and beautiful world.
When you experience the shift in those beliefs, the world around you also shifts to match those beliefs. Suddenly you attract opportunities that were non-existent before. People who are excited to work with you, invest in you, are suddenly knocking on your door. I am not kidding.
If good things start to happen to people around you, it is a reason to celebrate! This means that you are close to receiving your “upgrade” and the energy around you is shifting.
In conclusion, I must add that there is value and beauty in various world religions and traditions, and those religions sought the improvement and betterment of their society. I have nothing but respect for the ways we all choose to worship the Creator.
However, if our experience of this life is full of struggle, it is helpful to spend some time in reflection and examination of the subconscious beliefs that may be determining our reality.